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7 strategies to avoid inheritance tax
This article explores all you need to know about how to avoid inheritance tax in the UK (IHT). We explain who pays inheritance tax, how much inheritance tax might be due, and all the issues you need to know if you want to avoid inheritance tax legally. [box...
Trustee Investment Guide
Trustee investment is a complex area, but also an important role. This is especially true if you have never been in charge of a trust before. This article is intended as a trustee investment guide, and is designed to help you understand the responsibilities and duties...
Planning your retirement guide – Woodruff Financial Planning
This article explores all the issues you need to examine when planning for retirement. We aim to show you what you need to consider when planning for retirement so that you know you can afford to retire, without ever running out of money. You should read this if you...
Investing Money – how to invest
Investing money can be daunting for beginners. This article explores how to invest your money, from basic concepts to professional, expert tips on investing. Who should read this article? This article will be useful if you are interested in investing money, but do not...
Lasting Power of Attorney – financial advice managing someone’s finances
A Power of Attorney document is extremely useful when managing someone else's finances, as well dealing with health problems they may have. This article is aimed at those who have been asked to take over the financial affairs of someone else, possibly because they...
Business owner protection
This article explores business owner protection. This is life insurance as well as income protection cover for business owners. We explain what a business owner needs to know before taking out life insurance or income protection. As a business owner you are in an...
Dan Woodruff awarded Chartered Fellow status with the CISI
DAN WOODRUFF AWARDED CHARTERED FELLOW STATUS WITH THE CISIChartered Fellow Status We are delighted to report that Dan Woodruff has been awarded the status of Chartered Fellow with the Chartered Institute of Securities and Investment (CISI). This is the highest status...
Personal Injury Trust Investment
You may be interested in personal injury trust investment if you, or a member of your family, are likely to receive a personal injury compensation award. This could be as the result of an injury, or medical negligence, and could be paid from a personal injury legal...
How you could save £226,436 just by maxing out your ISAs
Do you have taxable investments or savings? This article should be of interest if you pay income tax, but particularly if you pay income tax at 40% or greater, or if you own a business and pay yourself via dividends. We explain how to use your ISA allowance to...
What happens when someone dies?
The death of a loved-one is always a shock, and you will have questions about how to deal with the practicalities of the money and assets. This article explains what happens when someone dies. This article explains the position in England and Wales. Key points: Is...
Property vs investment portfolios – which is better?
We are often asked which is better - property or investment portfolios. This article examines all the issues, advantages and disadvantages of both property and investment portfolios. The tax rates in this article reflect the 2018/19 tax year. As a...
How much do financial advisers charge?
If you have some complex financial needs, or have a financial problem which needs a solution, you are probably thinking about taking some sort of financial advice. If so, one of the logical questions you will ask is: How much do financial advisers charge? This...
Is your fixed rate bond a dud?
We often see cautious clients who hold fixed rate bonds with their banks. These are popular products with cautious investors since they allow you to benefit from a better rate of interest than you would otherwise get from your bank accounts, while still keeping...
With profits funds – a hidden scandal?
This article examines the problems behind with profits funds, and explains why they may not be a suitable investment. This article may be relevant to you if you have an older style pension or investment plan invested in with profits funds. Key points: What are...
Deputyship & investment management – what you need to know
If you have been appointed a deputy over someone else's affairs, you will no doubt want to learn as much as possible about the responsibilities of the role, especially if you will be required to manage that person's investments. This post aims to explain the key...
Why you should regularly review your financial plans
It goes without saying that your financial plans should not be static objects, and that you should review your plans over time, and on a regular basis to ensure that you remain on track towards your goals. You also need to adapt your financial plans as your circumstances change.

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